Friday, February 21, 2020

My Creative Work (A Dime)

This is one of my proudest creative works I've produced, it is a poem that reflected my personal
thoughts during the tumultuous period of Yr 12 and HSC. I found great interest in
the journey of life and was scared of the future to come.

Boutique Monaco, Seoul

Image result for boutique monaco seoul

On my recent trip to Korea, I was greeted to many unique and differently designed buildings,
each with a unique character and flair to them. However, out of all the buildings I've seen
and visited, I was greatly inspired with this particularly building due to its uniqueness. The most 
prominent feature of the building was how it seemed to divide into individual cubes.

The Setting Sun

This is the original photograph of something beautiful I took in 2018. I find this photo particularly evocative, as it brings to life a contrast of nature's beauty fighting man-made structures. 
I found it especially beautiful as the clouds slowly blend into the back, while the lights from the
 lamp and crossing, with the prominent sign in the foreground tried to take your
 attention away from the beauty of the setting sun.